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  • 1.888.212.0166

(6) Simark Ventilation Fans


(6) Simark Ventilation Fans

Equipment Details
Type of equipment Ventilation Fans
Make Simark
Model N/A
Hours N/A
Fuel type Electric
Engine As per photo's
Mileage N/A
Transmission N/A
Drive N/A
Stock Number MA-08-15-23/VF
Registered N/A
History N/A
Stock id MA-08-15-23/VF
VIN: As per photos
  • As per Photo's
Seller Note

Make: Simark

Model: SCL-ABB-COE-ACS550-30HP-230V-N3R-R1

Year: 2011

Ser: WO-32752-1

HP: Varies between 30 to 60

Agent Notes: These units were purchased initially, varying between $11,500.00 to $14,000.00. All the units have been Inspected and are good to go to work. For more information on these units, or to view please schedule a viewing appointment with your Agent.


This Item was not Functionally Tested, and no guarantees on condition or operability are made by WEBA and its Transactional Technicians (TT). It is the buyer’s responsibility to inspect the item prior to purchasing and make their own assessment as to the item’s condition and suitability for use. Everything is “Sold” “As-Is, Where-Is.” WEBA is not responsible for any statements about the item made by the Seller and/or the TT. All interested parties must 1st be qualified with proper ID and proof of Finance before viewing the Item. All qualified Buyers must sign a waiver before coming onto the Location.



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